OF Jaco.

Dear Jaco,

I know this may seem strange, but I am THE BOOK...

The Book of YOU.

I sit high on a shelf in the Catalogue of Chronological Lives, Department A, in the Grand Universal Library.

(I would tell you where it is located, but that is classified information, as I'm sure you understand.

We wouldn't want just anybody getting in here...

They could cause some serious damage in about ten seconds ;-)


I CAN tell you that the shelf your Book (that's me) is sitting on, is the 9th row in from the South Wing door, and 17 shelves up from the bottom.

AND we have a view out the mullioned window from here (plus I can see the top left corner of the Grand Fireplace, over at the other end of the room).

So I'm pretty happy :-)

Also, some of your neighbors (other Books of other Lives, of course) are quite interesting! I enjoy talking with them now and then.

But that's enough about me.

Let's talk about You.

You see, this week I was looking ahead a little bit, and doing some reading up in Chapter 16 (which is coming up for you this year).

And I noticed that you have a Significant Change AND a Big Accomplishment coming up really soon...

Which you should be super excited about.


There's some fuzziness surrounding the Big Accomplishment text.

What this means is, this thing that you're hoping will come to pass this year?

It's highly likely that it CAN happen for you.

But it's not "written in stone" in that chapter of your Life yet.

Which means it could just as easily NOT come true, either.

What is all comes down to is, whether you're willing to do one thing to make sure it comes true.

Or not.

Pretty simple.

That's how these things work.

So, Jaco.

Are you willing to do just this one thing to influence your Book?

If you are, just click on my Cover below, and I'll show you what it is:
Personally I hope you'll be able to do this today, since I love reading chapters with happy endings.

But of course, if you don't...

There's not a lot I can do about it.

I'm just the Book of your Life, after all...

You're the Writer :-)

Love Always,

- The Book of Jaco

P.S. Like I said, I'm a Book, not a Writer (at least, not officially). So, I had to get a little help typing this message from a gentleman down there on Earth named Tellman. Hope it gets to you safely today!

Overcome Everything | 139 Main Street, Suite 606E, Brattleboro, Vermont, 05301



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