lost & found

Howdy Jaco,

The Postmaster here.

Yes, even in these days of unpredictability, you can count on me and my band of faithful couriers to make sure your mail goes through...no matter what.

(Although these days, we are more likely to be rescuing lost packages from technological glitches and digital disintegration, than thunderstorms or highway robbers :-)

In any case, one of my riders located a package that was supposed to reach you this morning...

But he was not sure if it arrived safely.

The contents say there is a special device inside for focusing the mind...and thereby increasing your monthly income.

Well, what do you know.

(I was actually tempted to look inside myself, but being true to my code, I resisted :-)

So, I am here to rectify the mistake and complete the mission.

One word of warning. 

I have heard that those who open packages like these, find their lives forever changed...

So if you are completely happy with your life as it is, I might refrain from opening said package.

However - if you wish things were a little different (especially in the income department) then I would encourage you to open it post-haste!


- The Postmaster

P.S. Us old couriers sometimes need a bit of help with the newfangled technology...so I am indebted to Mister Tellman for his help getting this message to you tonight. ;-)

Overcome Everything | 139 Main Street, Suite 606E, Brattleboro, Vermont, 05301



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